

  • 教員リレーエッセイ


  • 鶏肉のコンフィ、オリーブと生ハムのマリネ、アップルシナモンのダッチベイビ
  • 煮込みハンバーグとかぼちゃのサラダ

Do What You Love in a Foreign Language
What is important when learning a foreign language? Vocabulary? Grammar? Somebody to talk to? Of course, all those things are important. However, learning a foreign language can take a very long time, so we need to stay motivated to learn! So, I’d like to suggest ‘doing what you love in a foreign language.’ For me, that is cooking!
For the past two years, I have been going to cooking school. Of course, these classes are in Japanese, and they are for Japanese people. At first, I was a little nervous and afraid to join. What if I couldn’t understand my teacher? What if I couldn’t read the recipe? What if my classmates didn’t understand my Japanese? What if my food tasted bad? There was a lot to worry about, but I’m glad I overcame my fears. Now, I can really enjoy reading recipes, listening to my teacher’s instructions, and talking with my classmates in Japanese.
I can do something new in my life because I used a foreign language. I know the difference between みじん切り(minced) and 粗みじん切り (chopped). I know how much 少々(a pinch) is. Very importantly, I know what to do when the recipe tells me to 蓋をして(cover the pot with the lid)or 蓋をずらして (leave the lid slightly ajar). Not only can I read and learn new recipes using Japanese, but I can also explain how to cook them to my Japanese friends. Being able to do this makes me very happy and gives me a true sense of accomplishment!
I know that learning a new language can be difficult and sometimes it is hard to stay motivated. This is natural. So, when you are feeling unmotivated, why not try doing something you love in that language? If you love sports, try reading an article about that sport or listening to a game in English! If you love videogames, try switching the language when you play. If you love TV or movies, try finding your favorite scene on YouTube and memorizing it. If you love music and dance, try learning about your favorite performer or watching their interviews in English. It might be difficult at first, but it is a great way to challenge yourself, learn lots of new vocabulary, and feel like you are using the language in a meaningful way.


英語科 Matthew Collins